An Unfortunate End To The Week

I found out this morning that the four paintings of mine that are pictured above had been stolen from Maison Luxe in the middle of the night. I am writing this post in hopes that all of my local Seattle friends will please be on the lookout for these paintings. This feels so surreal, who steals paintings? I mean, I have heard about the Mexican drug cartels stealing obscure Picasso's from random galleries in Amsterdam with horrible security, but four large paintings from a small time artist and small shop owner that is just trying to make an honest living? Seriously WTF? I am so flabbergasted by this... I keep thinking someone is playing a prank on me but I don't think they would go to the length of breaking and entering? They can't sell these pieces online can they? And why would they hang these in their home? Wouldn't other people maybe see them? I know it's not the worst thing that could have happened, but it feels violating and I worked very hard and long on these paintings and am so sad. My heart also goes out to Kelie and Maison Luxe for the heartbreak of having been violated to the extreme. This feels so creepy and was not the greatest of days my friends, if you see or hear of anything that may be of help to me or the owner if Maison Luxe please get in touch.. Thanks so much.
who steals art? i hope they are returned.
Ugh! Horrible. I can't imagine how you feel.
I am so sorry to hear this… I hope you find them!!! This stuff makes my stomach hurt
oh my goodness! This is truly awful. I am so sorry to hear. Sending you good vibes.
Thank you so much friends for the kind words...Much love and gratitude...:)
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