Our 4th of July was pure magic...Lucky for us, some of our best friends invite us to their family's ranch in Montana every year, where they put on an unbelievable party/event for friends and family, and they are the most generous and kind people you have ever met. They build it around a different theme every year with a carnival, amazing music, white water rafting, zip lining, horse back riding, and food, food, and more food....It is the most joyous of occasions, and I am always in awe at how they seem to pull it off flawlessly...
Shara on the left, Tiffanie on the right. Tiffanie and I have known each other for a long time.We are total music freaks, and we were at each others weddings. I have known Shara for almost as long, she just had a baby boy who I can't believe I didn't get a picture of! The cutest little guy!! There were so many old friends there that I adore, and I didn't get nearly enough pictures as I should have...
Just another perk of the party....Can you guess who this is?
My girl Akira, alternating laughing and screaming....So fun...
My Huz, and my boy Henry...
Have I told you, how much we love a good lake?

Henry loved blowing up his rash/sun guard shirt till it was like a balloon that kept him a float...He did this for HOURS....
The boats were beautiful...
A carnival on the property was a huge hit with the kids...
They wanted to be there every second...
They were high on sugar for days...
Zip-Lining is FUN!!!!
Henry's imitation of what he would look like if he was about to be eaten by a bear...
Something occurred to me while looking at these photo's from Montana...I realized I wear A LOT of black...Thinking I may need to try change it up, and infuse some lighter colors into my wardrobe. I have gone through this thought process before, and always seem to end up back in black. I always feel like I end up looking like Kathie Lee-Gifford's mother,(not that I even know what her mother looks like, I just imagine she looks scarily bright and colorful), or a cartoon character when I dress in lots of color.
Obviously I have issues around this...
Beyond that little issue surrounding color-o-phobia, the trip was a massive success, and makes me want to see my friends from farther-away places more. (Love you guys!)
I hope you all had a great 4th, and are enjoying your summer!!
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