I once walked into a new friend's kitchen where I knew instantly, it was rarely used.There were no half eaten pie's, no tea canisters, cookie jars, or bowls full of lemons. I happened to open the fridge and there was nothing in it but sparkling water, and a few other things that were clearly there since 1984. This had nothing to do with not having money. There was not much living going on in that kitchen. I am still friend's, of course, with my friend, but not with her kitchen.

Via- House Beautiful
I felt like a stranger in a strange land. My family and I spend almost every waking hour in, or around, the kitchen, eating, drinking, catching up, or cracking up. I like so many different styles of kitchens, as seen here, but mostly I just like ones that are used with the pleasures of company, the comfort of a warm beverage, or the taste and smell of something freshly baked.
Via- Steven Gambrel
Hope you can find comfort in your kitchen.
Have a great week!
Have a great week!
Photo's - 1.Unknown 2. House Beautiful 3. Unknown 4. Steven Gambrel
How could someone not live in their kitchen?! Okay, different strokes for different folks. I don't wanna sound all "judgy" 'cause I'm sure I do something or don't do something that raises eyebrows and question marks. BUT... the kitchen is so the heart of the home! No matter how small of a kitchen I've ever had, it's where *everyone* wants to gather during a party. It fascinates me and warms my heart all at the same time.
I'd gladly suffer the confines of images #1 and #4. And, I dream about the day of having a tiny home with a ginormous kitchen. You of course are welcome to come over and imbibe on tea or champagne whilst I bake us up something. :)
Love the post.
Uhhhh, can i tell you how flattered I am that YOU wrote the longest comment I have EVER had?? We are long overdue for a kitchen gathering, my sweet friend...Thank you for taking the time out of your precious day, and commenting here...Means the world...XX
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